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HomeEventsTool Control When Spindle Turning - 1-5pm Don Stephan

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Tool Control When Spindle Turning - 1-5pm Don Stephan

Date and Time

Monday, April 7, 2025, 1:00 PM until 5:00 PM

Event Contact(s)

Beverly L Connelly

Don Stephan


Hands On Class

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4 Total Slots
4 Available Slot(s)

About this event


Title:  Fundamental Tool Control and Cutting Edge Presentation for Spindle Turning (formerly Spindle Roughing Gouge) 


About this event


  • Target Audience:  Early turners, and intermediate turners struggling to make desired cuttings at desired locations with minimal “catches.”


  • Topic:  The emphasis will be on learning and practicing tool control fundamentals: body positioning; posture; arm and body mechanics; and handle grips; using a number of short exercises.  Concepts that will be explained include riding/gliding/floating the bevel, raising the handle to lower the cutting edge, supported and unsupported cuts, ghost images, and more.

Because it is the best tool for this class, these fundamentals and concepts will be presented and practiced using a spindle roughing gouge to make a stress-free start to a cut, “pick up a shaving,”  make a square cross section spindle blank round; and if time allows make broad coves, beads, and tapers.


  • Tools:  spindle roughing gouge, 4 prong spur drive center, Stebcenter spur drive center.
  • Skill Level:  Novice and beyond
  • Project:  This is not a project-specific class. Dozens of short exercises introduce and build fundamental skills and concept understanding to enhance spindle turning projects.
  • Pre-requisite:  Introduction to Woodturning and the OVWG LC.  Also read and be familiar with the AAW Lathe Safety Guidelines and the Glossary of Woodturning Terms, available on the OVWG website in the document library or by clicking the following links: AAW Lathe Safety Guidelines  and  Woodturning Glossary”