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Promoting the art and craft of wood turning in the greater Cincinnati area

Date: 7/21/2024
Subject: Did You Know #11 Photo Albums
From: Dave Kratzer

Did You Know #11


Did You Know That photo albums on the website are a great way to share your work and see what other people are doing?


Did You Know That if you don't put photos of your work in your own album that your fellow members may never see how talented you are?


Did You Know That you can access or create your own album/s by clicking Profile under your name in the upper RH corner of the website after you login? Then click Photo Albums and follow the prompts?

Did You Know That we Webmasters (Dean Devin & Dave Kratzer) cannot post photos or other info of interest to members that we do not have?
Did You Know That you can upload photos to and give us access to them. We then can post them to the website?
Did You Know That if you have trouble with  you can contact me and I'll help you with it?

Did You Know That no one has provided us with any photos of the June picnic?

Did You Know That if someone took photos at the June picnic I'd love to see and post them?
Did You Know That the members that won contest ribbons at the picnic would love to see their creations and mug on the website? I'm one of them.


Did You Know That we humbly ask that you post or provide us with any photos & other info that you may have that would be of interest to the other club members?


These opinions are my own. I am open to civil discussion. Vitriol will be ignored.

Did You Know If you love these messages so much you want to read them again, and again till the message sinks in, they are available on the website under the Emails Menu tab? :-) 


These opinions are my own. I am open to civil discussion. Vitriol will be ignored. 


If what I say causes you to contribute to the success of OVWG in some way, then I have accomplished my goal. Please step forward and volunteer for a role that fits you and your passion.  


Thanks for Listening.


Dave Kratzer 

OVWG Co-Webmaster 
