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Promoting the art and craft of wood turning in the greater Cincinnati area

Date: 7/19/2024
Subject: OVWG: Fallen Maple Tree Available
From: OVWG - Dean Devin

To all members from Stephen Kramrech:


   A fallen maple tree is available on our property at 1319 Wittekind Terrace in Cincinnati.  Apparently some of your members might want to harvest some of all of it for woodworking use.


   The tree is a Maple, I believe specifically Silver Maple.  The main trunk is about 30 feet minimum long, about 3 to 3.5 feet in diameter at 4 feet up from the ground (before it fell over).  About 5 feet up from the base is hollow to some degree.  Some of the upper larger (1 foot) branches broke off during the fall, about 2 weeks ago.


   If any of your members wish to harvest all or part of it please have then contact either by e-mail or my telephone number below.  Thanks.


Stephen M. Kramrech
