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HomeEventsIntroduction To Woodturning And The OVWG Learning Center, 1-4 pm

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Introduction To Woodturning And The OVWG Learning Center, 1-4 pm

Date and Time

Sunday, January 26, 2025, 1:00 PM until 4:00 PM


OVWG Learning Center at
Kennedy Heights Art Center
6620 Montgomery Road
Kennedy Heights, OH  45213

Event Contact(s)

John Albachten

Todd J Carris



Registration Info

Registration is closed - Event is full
Long hair should be tied back, no loose jewelry, shirt sleeves to be tight at the cuff or rolled back. No open toed shoes or sandals.


8 Total Slots
Event is full - Waitlist available

About this event

New members are required to attend this free monthly orientation to the Ohio Valley Woodturners Guild and our Learning Center.  

We will acquaint you with a brief history of the OVWG that starts back in 1989 and how we've grown as a friendly group of people who love to turn wood.  A key topic will be how we operate the Learning Center and how this great resource can help you on your journey of learning to turn wood and finding out what kinds of things you like to make.  

Safety is a high priority for the OVWG in all of our activities.  So, we will go over the parts of the lathe, and how to be safe when working on the lathe as well as the other tools in our workshop.  

Finally, you will have a chance to try your hand at spindle turning as a hands on introduction to woodturning.  You'll make a bead & cove stick.  It will become apparent that beads and coves are the key design elements of many things around us every day.  
The class is free.  Tools & supplies will be provided.