In case you have not noticed, with the warm weather, but it is summer and time for our Annual OVWG Picnic. In less than two weeks we will be gathering at the Open Shelter in Evendale Park for food, fun, show & tell, contest and swap meet. Meat and drinks will be provided but we are asking attendees to bring a side dish or dessert to share. In addition to the food and fun we will have a contest consisting of a turned wooden fruit or vegetable or both. You can bring your latest creations to share as well. Need to clear out some space, to make room for that needed tool? There will be a swap meet where you can buy and sell items. The Picnic will run from around 10:00 am until 2:00 pm and will be held in the covered shelter, so you will be out of the sun. In order to adequately prepare for the food, we are asking that you go to the website and register your attendance. There is no charge for this event and guests are welcome. Of course, if there are more people in attendance that have registered, those who registered get to go to the head of the food line. Only joking but wanted to see if you are reading all the information. Hope to see you on Saturday, June 15th!!