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HomeEventsMonthly Meeting Demo - Basic bowls & Spindles & Sharpening - Ernie Conover

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Monthly Meeting Demo - Basic bowls & Spindles & Sharpening - Ernie Conover

Date and Time

Saturday, April 20, 2024, 9:00 AM until 3:30 PM


Kennedy Heights Cultural Arts Center, Lindner Annex
Kennedy Heights Art Center
6620 Montgomery Road
Kennedy Heights, OH  45213


Monthly Meeting

Registration Info

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About this event

Ernie Conover MugshotErnie Conover Fork
Ernie Conover Bowls-202 
Ernie Conover is a veteran woodworking author with eleven books, many videos and hundreds of articles to his credit. His most recent book is the 3rd Edition The Lathe Book, published by Taunton Press. It came out in February of 2019. His work has received numerous awards and been the subject of several one-man shows. He lectures widely for clubs, trade show groups and woodworking stores and is frequently called upon as a consultant and expert witness in the woodworking field. Ernie is also a lathe designer having developed his own lathe and worked on the designs of the Nova and the Powermatic 3520b When not writing, lecturing or consulting he is actively teaching at Conover Workshops—a craft school founded by the Conover family.

Basic Bowl Turning in which I show the 40/40, Irish and Vector Grinds and teach people how to turn bowls efficiently and quickly. Second is a spindle turning where I teach the proper sharpening of the spindle tools and get them turning spindles that look alike and will make fine furniture."

Ernie will be discussing and demonstrating various ways to grind and use bowl and spindle gouges in his demo. If he has time he will make a snap lid box.

His Sunday class will give further instruction and opportunity to use and practice his techniques under his close supervision.